Per mezza Toscana si spazia


un fiumicel che nasce in Falterona,


e cento miglia dicorso nol sazia


(Pg., canto XIV)


One of the oldest and finest forests in Europe, which Dante was able to explore in his long wanderings as an exile. It was a hunting site for the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Inside, there is the Sasso Fratino State Nature Reserve, where all human intervention is prohibited and nature governs its own evolution.


In the forest, there are 600 km of paths, which can be travelled on foot, horseback or mountain bike.


Places to visit: the great Dam and Ridracoli Lake and the adjoining Living Museum of the Waters.


The National Park headquarters are in Pratovecchio, on Via Dante Alighieri 41 (Tel. 0575-583763).


Recommended paths: 

From Passo della Calla, take path 00 and walk along the ridge until the Camaldoli Hermitage in the midst of wonderful beech tree forests, a 3 hour walk.


From Passo della Calla on the right you can climb Mount Falterona, a 2 hour walk.